Africa seems to have had less impact of Covid 19 virus, as far as disease and deaths are concerned. It may depend on the fewer tests available or on the governments’ censorship. But it is also possible that this kind of virus does not affect people living in warm places where pollution is not such a big problem as in Europe. Africa is facing the situation at its best, especially those nations heavily relying on tourism which need to be safe and open. The nations of the great National Parks, nations such as Tanzania or Kenya.

As for Kenya, the statistics updated seem quite encouraging. Contagions increase continuously especially in the poorest areas, or in the country, but very few people die and more than 50%  recover completely. Is it safe to go to Kenya in this post Covid situation?

Hospital situation in Kenya

 The problem, in Kenya, is not the Covid 19 itself but the situation in hospitals. There are not enough beds and doctors, so even if there are not so many sick people they will take the beds needed for other hospital interventions (accidents, illnesses, infections…). You can go to Kenya and maybe also have a safe trip, as for Covid. But you cannot afford to be sick while you are over there, you could not find a doctor, in this situation. So you better respect the main rules in order to protect yourselves – wash hands, cover your face, respect a distancing – plus the typical travel safety rules (do not drink local water, do not visit violent areas, use protection against mosquitoes).

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cheetahs in kenya

Kenya and Covid today

In August 2020, Kenyan authorities have resumed international connections in order to promote tourism. No quarantine is needed for people coming from abroad, even Italians can enter the nation without problem. But make sure you have and can show a Negative Covid Test, in case you are asked for. The test must be recent, done  96 hours before the departure day.

In case you are tested for your body temperature you can enter Kenya only if it is lower than 37.5°. You can move throughout the state territory but you must respect the curfew (do not go out between 9pm and 4am), wherever you are. If you arrive in Kenya, or have a transfer, during the curfew time the police will let you go if you show your airplane ticket, boarding pass and passport. Use the mask, respect social distancing and do not stay in crowded places. You can take part in religious ceremonies, though. For more information, visit the official website of the Ministry of Health.

Where to go, where not to go

If you are in Kenya in these months make sure you visit often the government’s website or listen to local news in order to know which places are safe and which are not. In general, you better avoid crowded markets, or large cities. Prefer a stay in a small town or in a village, always respecting the anti Covid rules, even there. Safaris are quite safe, especially if the group is not too large. If you can, anyway, choose a private guide or trips for couples or maximum 3 people.

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road in kenya