Europe, America and part of Asia are opening again. Covid seems to have slowed down, or stopped too, thanks to vaccinations. Tourism is allowed again, though Europeans cannot go everywhere. They must stay within specific areas, until the world will be all safe. But what about Africa? The continent is fighting a hard battle with very few vaccinations and too many people who still do not know about the emergency. Strict rules are still in effect and will be for months. Tourists must ask for special permissions, they shall go quarantine before entering and may be asked for tests. No matter if you are vaccinated in Europe, you must obey the rules in Africa anyway. Which ones? And where?


Tourists who want to enter Egypt must still show a Traveler Declaration Form of negative Covid19 test. No quarantine is required, but in case of symptoms you might be asked to stay isolated for 10 to 15 days in special hospitals organized on purpose.


The Republic of Congo asks tourists to show a negative Covid19 test certificate taken 3 days before their arrival. All visitors must go quarantine for 14 days in the hotel/room they have booked. If their test is positive or in case of symptoms, they will be asked to stay isolated for 14 days in special places organized on purpose. Curfew still active in the main cities.


Everyone can enter Kenya if showing a certificate of a negative Covid19 test taken less than 96 hours before the arrival. Curfew is still active on the national territory. If symptoms are detected, tourists shall stay isolated for 14 days in hospitals organized on purpose.


As soon as tourists arrive in Tanzania must show a negative Covid test and fill in a test they can check on, during the first 24 hours of their stay. No quarantine required but if symptoms are detected, tourists shall stay isolated for 14 days in hospitals organized on purpose. The same rules concern tourists who enter the island of Zanzibar.


No quarantine is required to tourists who can show a negative Covid test taken 120 hours before their landing. If you have symptoms authorities may decide to do a check up and to keep you isolated for 14 days. Curfew is active at night. Before leaving Uganda you shall show another negative test.

covid africa 3Rwanda

Tourists entering Rwanda must show a negative Covid test taken 72 hours before landing. Plus, they must fill in a government test they can check on  . They can be asked to stay isolated for 7 to 10 days, even though their test is confirmed negative and then repeat the test at local hospitals. Curfew is active from 7pm to next day’s dawn.


Tourists can enter by showing a negative Covid test taken 72 hours before landing. Authorities can decide which nations are dangerous and ask tourists from those nations to stay isolated for 7 to 10 days before repeating the Covid test in Gambia.

Burkina Faso

Tourists can enter by showing a negative Covid test taken 5 days before landing. A 14-day quarantine is required, before moving around the nation. Tourists can choose where to stay during the quarantine.


Tourists can enter by showing a negative Covid test taken 72 hours before landing. You can move throughout the nation’s territory but must keep in touch with health authorities and accept checks every now and then, during your first 14 days of stay. In case of symptoms you must call a doctor and accept quarantine.


In Namibia, tourists can enter by showing a negative Covid test taken 7 days before landing. You must show the negative test even though you are already vaccinated. In case of symptoms you shall accept to quarantine where the authorities decide your stay.

South Africa

The negative Covid test taken 72 hours before your landing is the main “visa” for entering South Africa. Besides this, tourists must check another test on this web site: . You might be asked to download the government’s health app in order to always keep in touch. If symptoms are showed, you must stay isolated and repeat the test.


Tourists can enter by showing a negative Covid test taken 72 hours before landing. Then they shall repeat the test at the airport or during the first 2 days of your stay. Quarantine is required for 14 days, even though your test is negative.


You must show a negative Covid19 test as soon as you arrive. The test must have been taken 48 hours before your landing. In case of symptoms you shall be asked to quarantine for 10 days at your hotel or resort.

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