Be positive, be free! This must be your goal for the new year 2021, after a very hard time with the Covid pandemics everyone had to experience, last year. Things are going to be better, you will certainly see the light at the end of the tunnel. And you will need places where to forget the sadness and fear of 2020.
No place is better than Africa.
Nothing is better than a safari trip. So think about it, plan it and believe you will be able to go and enjoy one of the most incredible experiences ever. There are at least 10 good reasons for you to do it.
Back to travel
After so many months of stop-and-go’s you are wishing to leave your home and town. When you will have the permission to do it, you won’t certainly go on a trip to the neighbour district. Curiosity and desire of running free will let you book far away journeys, and Africa is the best place for making a wish like this come true.
Open air
No more home, no more walls. In 2021 people will look for open air, for wide spaces, for sky over their heads. Cities won’t be the safe place for a holiday anymore, so tourism will promote wild lands and adventure. Because you will be looking for them. Prairies, deserts, large rivers … this means a real African safari.
Social distancing
It is possible that some people will be scared for a long time, after the end of the pandemics. So they will look for social distancing, even in their travel situations. A safari in Africa is the perfect idea if you need social distancing. You will spend your time in places where is very hard to meet humans, houses or towns. Social distancing, in a safari, is for sure!
Covid free places
Believe it or not, Africa has always had low numbers as for the Covid emergency. And not just because of less attention in testing, which is not true, but mainly because the wide spaces, the warm climate and the clean air have kept the virus off. Covid is in Africa as well, and it infects people here too: but with less consequences and deaths. Some places in Africa are already Covid Free.
The opposite of lockdown
A safari trip is the opposite of a lockdown period. Forget the limits, the prohibitions, the narrow spaces … You will live a great experience in wide lands, space all around, no strict rule except the few ones required by the nations you are visiting. Freedom, this is a safari, and this is what you need.
African wide landscape
Lower prices
As soon as the world will open the borders, people will probably look for close places, for their holidays. Only a few brave ones will take a plane and go to Africa. This means there will be offers, discounts, good chances to have your trip booked at lower prices.
Recover energy
After the Covid experience you need to recover energy. This means you do not need a lazy holiday but a very dynamic one. You will need to explore, run, ride a horse, walk for kilometers … you can do this in Africa!
Africa, the land of future
Africa is the land of future. It may seem crazy but as the Western nations will be recovering from the pandemics, Africa will have the time to climb up the slope and come out of its longtime poverty zone. New ecological alternative energies and industries are already real, in Africa. Come discover this new unexpected world by yourself.
Wild animals
A safari will let you admire wild animals, sometimes also interact with some of them. This adventure is the main reason why people decide to plan a safari. After Covid times, the experience of feeling as wild as those animals will help tourists to recover the primary instinct of life.
New places to discover
While we lived closed in our homes and towns, the African landscape has given new surprising discoveries. There are plenty of new places to see, new experiences to do. Only with a safari you will be able to live it all thoroughly. So do not wait for it. Plan your safari right now. This year 2021 will be YOUR year.
The Lower Zambezi National Park is located in the extreme south of Zambia, along an alluvial plain where the Zambezi River flows, between acacia and miombo woods. It is not one of the most famous African national parks but it is certainly among the most beautiful. A safari in this park offers many fascinating scenarios […]
Tanzania is one of the most famous African tourism destinations. Together with Kenya, it is the state that hosts a large part of national parks and breathtaking landscapes, so it is normal that the most beautiful safaris take place right here. But beyond wild animals, pristine beaches and forests, Tanzania has a huge cultural background. […]
The Great Rift Valley is one of the most intricate active fault systems in the world and crosses Africa, and Kenya in particular, from north to south. But if you look at it through the eyes of a passionate tourist, this “valley” is not just a set of geological data but a spectacle of landscapes […]
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