The beautiful, wild area of Lake Mburo, in Uganda, has always been a special place. In the past it was a rich hunting area for local tribes, then it became just a hunting area for European settlers in the 1930s. In order to protect the typical fauna, thirty years later  the area around the lake became a Natural Reserve. Only in 1983 it was upgraded to National Park, which meant the local farmers had to move with their cattle elsewhere. This caused a civil war that has consequences still today: many people, in fact, are against the National Park.
During the early 2000s, though, the situation has calmed down and the government has promoted tourism in the area. Now, going to Lake Mburo is a safe trip, worth the try.  Lake Mburo is one of the most beautiful natural environments in Uganda and deserves to be a tourist attraction. Imagine a large, wild landscape of forests gathered around five lakes. Mburo is the largest one and the most beautiful, too. The vegetation hides some of the most interesting animals, typical of the African fauna. Safaris, over here, are a real adventure.

When to go

Because of the tropical climate of Uganda, the best period to go on safari over there is the dry season, that is June-September and December-early March. Lake Mburo National Park is in the western part of the Country where rain falls all year round with no specific break. But in the “dry months” you will certainly find less, and sunny days are frequent.
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zebras in the park

What to see at Lake Mburo

The beauty of Lake Mburo National Park is the wildlife itself. This is the place where you can meet many typical African animals – especially zebras, impala, buffalos, antelopes, leopards, hippos and crocodiles. Over 300 species of birds will let you enjoy some bird watching and you might see the Ugandese national symbol, the crested crane. Here lives also the so called “vervet monkey”.
Compared to the nearby national parks, Lake Mburo is smaller and there are less fierce animals but local safaris offer very interesting experiences, as well. For example, you can go on lake safaris, in order to admire water animals and the best views ever from the middle of Mburo Lake. You can sleep in the park, thanks to the tourist lodges and restaurants set inside the area, so to go on guided walks in the early morning. In Lake Mburo National Park tourists are allowed to get very close to wild animals. You cannot touch them or disturb them but you will take incredible photos as if you could do that.

How to get to Lake Mburo

Mbarara is the reference town for those who want to visit Lake Mburo and its National Park. The town, which is the capital of the region as well, is seat of an important University and hosts many tour operators that work in the Park. The local airport helps to connect Mbarara to Kampala and Entebbe and the rest of the nation. There is also a brand new inter-state road making the transport from many parts of Uganda to Lake Mburo faster and easier.
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view of the lake