What is better than the perfect African holiday on the east coast? A safari among the wild animals on the main land, in Tanzania or Kenya, then a trip to enjoy the beaches and the views of Zanzibar Island … this will make your journey unique! You can also plan a full offer holiday, including a big city, like Dar Es Salaam to your safaris.

Dar Es Salaam and Zanzibar

Dar Es Salaam and Zanzibar, now, are almost the same reality. The city is also the largest one of Tanzania, and one of the capitals of safari tourism industry. It is both a very modern and well organized city and a charming place, full of ancient traditions. You will explore monuments, parks, nice promenades by the sea and market places. And then, you can move to the archipelago rising in front of it.

The semi-autonomous Island of Zanzibar, plus the other islands all around, are the paradise of tourism. You go there in order to enjoy the beach, the swimming, diving too. But you can also go to explore natural reserve and admire animals and special plants of the place. You can easily move by bus, through the city and towns. But you will need ferry-boats to get to the islands, and to explore them.  Ferry service particularly deal with the fast ferry service from Dar Es Salaam to Zanzibar. And the best ones are Azam Marine Kilimanjaro Fast Ferry.

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business class

Ferry-boats to Zanzibar

Taking the ferry is considered the most convenient way to travel to Zanzibar especially for those with light travel budget . You can travel both inside or outside the boat and sitting on top of it you also get to see the beautiful horizon on your way over.
There are two main ferry companies offering fast ferry service from Dar Es Salaam to Zanzibar: Azam Marine coastal ferry and Zan Fast ferry. These two companies sort of blended together and they now work well. Just take whatever ferry at your preferred time not worrying about which of the two compagnie, and you will be satisfied.

The fast catamarans – a total of 8 vessels with a speed range 25knots up to 40knots – allow passengers to be in Zanzibar within 1 hours and 40 minutes from their leaving Dar Es Salaam’s port.

How much does the ferry trip cost

There are different rates for Tanzanian residents and foreign visitors when travelling from Dar Es Salaam to Zanzibar by ferry-boat. Those cost depend between $35 and $60 for adult when travelling with Azam Marine fast ferry.
The travelers have a choice to choose between Economy , Business, VIP, Royal .

ECONOMY: residents will pay Tshs 25,000 (if older than 10 years old), Tshs 15,000 (if children under 10) – non residents rates are in American Dollars, 35 for adults, 25 for under 10.
BUSINESS: residents will pay Tshs 35,000 (if older than 10 years old), still Tshs 35,000 (if children under 10) – non residents rates are in American Dollars, 40 both for adults and children under 10.
VIP: residents will pay Tshs 60,000 (both adults and children under 10) – non residents rates are 60 Dollars both for adults and children under 10.
ROYAL CLASS: residents will pay Tshs 80,000 (both adults and children under 10) – non residents rates are 80 Dollars both for adults and children under 10.

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comfortable ferries


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