Rwanda – The thousand hills country


The land of one-thousand hill, Rwanda, has dealt with its past tragedies and has a lot to offer to intrepid travelers and wildlife enthusiasts.
Africa’s easiest and most accessible gorilla trekking is the main draw card of a Rwandan safari.
Rwanda is the home of the Virunga Mountains, where Dian Fossey researched and habituated mountain gorillas in the 1960s, but this country has a lot more to offer than gorilla trekking.
Rarely experienced in isolation, a Rwandan gorilla safari combines well with other East African destinations in Uganda, Kenya or Tanzania but there is more to green and hilly Rwanda than meets the eye: it is also home to the primate-filled Nyungwe Forest National Park where there are chimpanzees and fantastic bird-watching opportunities. Akagera National Park, on the other side, offers a classic breathless safari in search of the Big Five.
Rwanda is still worth visiting as an up-and-coming destination offering primate walks, volcano hikes and bird-watching in Volcanoes National Park and Nyungwe Forest National Park.
Lake Kivu, a gorgeous expanse of water surrounded by Rwanda’s gently rolling, is a great place to enjoy boating, hiking, kayaking and chimp trekking.
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