Western Africa – History and Culture of Africa

While Eastern and Southern Africa are known for their wildlife and savannah cultures, West Africa is known for its rich, vibrant, and historic Bantu culture – and it’s quite incredible. You can sleep on rooftops in the beautiful painted villages in Tiebele in Burkina Faso. Witness mask dances that last two days. Share green tea with Tuaregs in the Sahara and Timbuktu. Lie on the unvisited white sand tropical beaches of Principe Island. Visit the Hide people of Northern Cameroon and drink local beer from painted calabashes they also wear as hats. If you are lucky you might be invited to a real-life voodoo ceremony in Benin which is an eye-opening event. You can explore the workshops of the Ga coffin makers in Accra, Ghana, and order a coffin in the shape of a coke bottle. And in northern Ivory Coast a lift will take you to the top of the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro, inspired by Saint Peter in the Vatican City. Expand your horizons and book your Western Africa safari today.